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Our guiding question is simple, yet profound: "How could we help people experience their organization's desired change as a meaningful journey?" It compels us to reflect—and act—on our belief in the power of dignity and true belonging to unlock human potential, especially when changing an organization's culture, strategy, structures or practices. Here are some solutions we have brought to prior collaborations with clients.



Individual & Organizational Assessments


Employee Listening & Fact-finding Interviews


Executive Visioning & Strategy Alignment Sessions


Network Analysis & Group Interventions


Psychometric Assessments

(MBTI, DISC, Hogan Assessments, Learning Styles Inventory, Thinking Styles Inventory, Intercultural Development Inventory)


Leadership Coaching


Organizational Change Readiness Analysis


Evidence-based Change Strategy


Organizational Design Consultation


Change Management Plan Design


Communications Planning & Support


Team Coaching


Office Meeting
Office Meeting


Change Progress Measurement


Antiracism Reflection Discussions


Leader Development Cohort Facilitation


Manager Interaction & Engagement Tools


Workplace Systems Audit


After-Action Reviews


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